Tuesday, August 20, 2013


I'm doing it.  The fence fell down years ago and I managed to convince my husband to save the wood, much to his dismay, and now after months of collecting objects and creating fabulous shabby junk, I am going to stick on price tags and make it available to the great people who travel through Port Orchard, Washington.

I love to make things.  I follow Pinterest religiously (IT IS MY CHURCH) and confer with my amazing friends to come up with one of a kind CRAPEEKA (this is the official term for items we just can't live without but don't know what to do with).  My mom let me try whatever I wanted as a kid, be it sewing or using the skill saw, and over the years I have learned that short of brain surgery or building rockets, if I want to do it - I CAN.  My DAD loves to be in his workshop and I am lucky to have his inspiration.  My wonderful fireman husband and grown children cheer me on every step of the way - THIS IS ALL MADE POSSIBLE BY THEM!

So with family and friends and an endless supply of ideas - I am launching Shabby Lab.  I reclaim and recreate shabby art in my workshop here to after called The Lab and we raise search and rescue Labrador Retrievers - hence the name.  WISH ME LUCK!

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